Gaia, Gaia, Gea is presented in Greek mythology (Tellus, Terra - in Latin) as the Mother - Earth that emerged from Chaos. She was one of the oldest goddesses (Protogenoi) of fertility and motherhood. She appeared in various forms giving birth to cyclops, titans, giants. Finally she got envolved with Tartarus – infernal abyss with whom she had a son Typhon, the most powerful monster of all time, which was defeated by Zeus after fierce battle.
Anselm Feuerbach „Gaea” (1875), Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.
As in Greek mythology, our planet, although beautiful and magnificent, is not always peaceful and safe. All the natural disasters we are not able to prevent show how dangerous it can be.
I found in the history of art paintings and sculptures depicting Mother Earth. Nowhere, however, could I find a work describing the dark part of its "biography". It is often depicted as a mother taking care of her children or as a charming woman.
Our Earth, despite floods, fires, tsunami, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes is also perceived as the most beautiful planet in the universe.
In the other photos that I attached I want to show that we are surrounded by beauty, and the beauty is not only the Earth, but also its single elements like a rock or a pebble. It is sometimes worth taking a closer look at our planet, that is to say, the surface we walk on.
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Copyright © Kazimierz Ratajczak